Many indoor plants can clean the air and remove toxins from your living space. Youve probably heard people say that keeping plants in your home or office helps to make the air cleaner but science says otherwise. 15 Plants That Improve Indoor Air Quality Plants Improve Indoor Air Quality Air Quality Plants While plants do in fact clean the air one plant wont necessarily make a big dent in your air quality. How do indoor plants clean air . To create a healthy toxin-free indoor environment youll need to know which indoor. These are plants that remove toxins and bioeffluents. List Of Indoor Plants That Clean The Air Some of the indoor plants that humans can make use of include. A 1989 NASA study explains exactly how plants remove toxins from air by trapping them in their leaves soil and roots. Through photosynthesis they convert the carbon dioxide we exhale into fresh oxygen and they can also remove toxins from the air we breathe. How do houseplants clean the air. Thu...