The Zoom meeting host and Zoom meeting scheduler will both need active Zoom accounts. Click Invite Others the blue fellow carrying his plus-badge on the chest. Scheduling Meetings Zoom Help Center Click on the Schedule icon. How to set up a zoom meeting and invite others pdf . No matter the cause having a good meeting invitation message will help to increase your attendance rate. The Zoom account holder who wants to have their meetings scheduled by another individual will need to follow the basic steps in this article in their own Zoom account. When you choose an email service youll be prompted to log in then an auto-generated email will open for you to add recipients to in order to share the meeting link. Jamesway does not have a Zoom conference room set up at this time. Click Participants in the meeting controls. Enter meeting title description and select daytime. Start or join a meeting. Select your meeting settings. Sign in to the Zoom Desktop Client. ...