Bedroom with grey walls. The combination of gray and purple is a perfect one as although a bold color purple tends to merge from the coldness of gray thus complementing it. Bedroom Makeover The Reveal Bright Bazaar By Will Taylor Blue Bedroom Decor Grey Bedroom Design Master Bedroom Colors In this petite bedroom the sleek color palette of gray and yellow makes a bold statement. What color comforter with blue gray walls . Bedroom With Blue Walls Contemporary Benjamin Moore Mountain Mist Ashley Whittaker Design. When cool calm and collected gray meets sunny cheerful and outgoing yellow the result is a bedroom that is both welcoming and soothing. Grey is a color that always goes well with blue walls and these grey grommet curtain panels are the perfect choice for duck egg blue walls. There is more to come. Mixing cool sheet colors with a warm-toned dark gray comforter is like using the same combination above but in the opposite way. 6 of 13. To keep the room from fee...